West Bay Drive - Pinellas Trail Gateway

The objectives for the improvements to this West Bay Drive project are to enhance the overall aesthetics of the Pinellas Trail and surrounding amenities, enhance connectivity and access at several locations to the Trail between Washington Avenue and Pine Vista Drive. This project includes multimodal transportation and aesthetic improvements such as monument signs and way-finding amenities, as well as repair and rehabilitation of existing transportation infrastructure.

Ramp and stair access was added to the Pinellas Trail along 12th Street, and a new pedestrian bridge was added at Washington Ave to provide the neighborhood to the east with connection to the Trail. Other improvements made along 12th Street include switching the street to one-way only going south, and providing on street parallel parking with historic road brick. The rest of 12th Street was resurfaced with new asphalt. New 10’ wide sidewalk and sitting walls were added along 12th Street connecting the trail with the new parking and sidewalk access along West Bay Dr.

Other improvements being constructed to the area include making repairs to the pedestrian bridge crossing over West Bay Dr, as well as repainting the bridge’s steel superstructure and re-fencing the bridge for safety. Improvements will also include the addition of a mid-block crossing, median island on West Bay Dr, additional sidewalks and curb ramps, new signage and striping and adding significant landscaping to the project area.


Project Details

Project: West Bay Drive / Pinellas Trail Gateway

Largo, Florida

Owner / Client:
City of Largo

Construction Area: 2,000 LF

Contract Value:


West Bay Drive - Multimodal Improvements